In winter we have to walk up for a good half hour. with the sledges we pull the food and other necessary things up A few days after arriving, we got some lovely pouder-snow View from our cabin to the little village Siat, where we left our car There it is, our car!
It was about time, to look after the surrounding of our cabin. Quite a few jobs had to be done: - The fence toward the little street had to be renewed. For this we had to make about ten new poles. - These poles we cut in our own little wood. There are enough fir trees! - I also had to prepare the scythe by peening it (zu Deutsch: Dengeln) - Sabine looked after the little garden and the two berry-bushes Beside of all this we also had relaxing and enjoyable time. - We spoiled ourselfes with delicious food - We observed the nature around our place - We also met some friends from up there The weather was much better than expected. When it rained, it did mainly at night. One evening, there came a shower of sleet - just in time so that we could cool our white wine which adjoined the fish meal All in all a fantastic time. Here impressions of it: First afternoon after arriving First morning - brunch This tree will give us two or three post...
Very unusual: There is no snow around (the cabin is 1'450 metres above sea level). I enjoy those days on my own, can spoil myself with meals that we normally do not cook. Like Borschtsch (my friend Ollie from Chippenham told me about this). And I can do "woodwork" in our little forest. Here some pictures: No snow at all! The water from our well is running perfectly Borschtsch cooked at the Outdoor citchen These tilted alder trees will be cut Fully equiped with security helmet; -boots -and trousers Part of the job of the first "working day" done Second working-day: The logs have to be split up with a splitting- and a sledge hammer. This is hard work! Therefore a break is necessary! Result of second working-day. I am tired but satisfied! Pile done! Just under two cubic meter Temporarily covered The cabin And here the view across the valley In the night of Tuesday we got 15 cm snow My track in the...
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